*Retired teacher Joe Gregson passed away March 28, 2024. Joe was a Science teacher at WHS and retired in 1993.
*Lonnie Harris, husband of retired teacher Mary Harris, passed away February 15, 2025.
Donations can be made to St. Francis Hospital.
Cards can be sent to
Mary Harris
717 Franklin Street
Westbury, NY 11590
*Hugh Bryant, husband of retired teacher and WSR Executive Board member,Grace Bryant, passed away.​
Cards can be sent to:
The Bryant Family
728 Franklin St.
Westbury NY 11590
Funeral and burial will be private
*Nancy Niebuhr, retired Park Ave Elementary Teacher, passed away in 2024. No details provided.
*Rhoda Zimmerman, retired Park Ave Elementary Teacher, passed away in 2024. No details provided.
In Memorium link at bottom of page

​ **Marge Parente's 3rd grandchild, Paul Louis was born Oct. 24, 2024. His parents are
daughter Danielle and son-in-law, John.
Welcome to the world!
**Camille Blok is a retiree from Dexel. Her memoir, Cruising Thru Marriage, is
available on Amazon.
**from-David Dahle: Wanderlust Retiree!
"At a Zoom meeting of the WSR during the pandemic, a question was floated: Do you prefer a vacation or a staycation? I suggest an alternative to both is travel.
Since retiring from WHS in 2000 I have done the following:
2022: Three weeks of car travel in Alaska.
2008: Six months of van camping from NY to Seattle, down the West Coast,, then across the South to Florida and back to NY. I have been to all 50 states.
2004/2007: Two trips to India, 6 weeks each time.
2009: Six weeks in Australia and New Zealand.
2010: One month in Peru.
2014: One month in Cuba.
2006: Five years in a row to Mari Gras in New Orleans, beginning with the first Mardi Gras after Katrina.
2010: Six times to Burning Man.
Since 2000 I have been to over a hundred music festivals.
For the last ten years I have lived in the Dominican Republic for 6 months each year"

Snowbird Ann Sela and vacationing Mikey Parente enjoying the warmth and sunshine at the Botanical Gardens in West Palm Beach, FLA.
February 2024.
For Mike Marrin retirement means starting a new career as a Life Coach! He is currently taking on new clients. He also enjoys spending time with his wife who recently retired. They are busy with their 3 children, Sean, who is getting married in October, Wil, who, together with his wife, are fostering a child, and Laura, who is currently interviewing for a job as a Chemistry teacher.

June 2024: Retirees!!
1. Dean Quinteros- Park Ave.
2. Antoinette Campbell- Dryden St.
3. Mary Ann Ferolito- Drexel Ave.
4. Jodi Litt- Drexel Ave.
5. Kimberly Insinga- Powells Lane
6. Beverly Rise- Powells Lane
7. Joanne Brookner-DeGuire- WMS
8. John Fahy- WMS
9. Marjorie Ferguson- WMS
10. Joel Bossous- WHS

Our 2019 Fall luncheon at EB Elliot's on the Mile, was a huge success!!
NYSUT LI Regional Conference Oct. 2024

NYSUT Conference 2019
WSR members: Judy, Grace, Dorie, and Carol.

WSR Members in attendance: Carol,Dorie and Donna.
One of the seminars at the 2024 conference discussed a great resource for seniors or anyone who wants to improve their balance. Check out the link below for more info:
Westbury Middle School/Junior High staff
back in the day!
Do you

Do you recognize yourself?

photo submitted by
JoAnn Cohn :)
For their years of retirement!!

5 yrs: Brumsic Brandon, Chris Corbett, Larry Phyall, Joyce Wanger
10 yrs: Amy Barkin, Deidre Goldberg, Joan Lawson, Rose Madderno, Lori Tremblay
15 yrs: Shirley Bonner, Annie Hurst-Smith, Camille Lupa, Jack Lyons, Marjorie Parente
20 yrs: Connie Champlin, Robb Forman, Gail Meschkow, Marcia Rochester, Louisa Vanadia
25 years: Hattie Davis, Ruth Odom

2024 Scholarship Winners!
The winners of the 2024 WSR Annual Scholarship are the following WHS seniors:

Omar Ahmad Ventura
Aneesah Ahmed
Kimberly Alvarez-Carcamo
Ifza Amjad
Johanna Cervantes
Pedlyne Chety
Carlos Cruz
Thomas Fletcher
Areej Nawaz
This year each winner received a $500 scholarship
Middle School Renovations
Mikey and Diane met with Assistant Principal Dr. Thiel to tour the newly renovated Middle School in December 2022. It was great being back and seeing the old mixed with the new! MEMORIES :)

Old Building Entrance

6th grade wing/main entrance
main office/gym

JUNE 8, 2023
Frank's Steakhouse

thanks for the cake Camille! :)

Holiday Luncheon Dec. 9, 2022 at the Westbury Manor. Always a great time! The scholarship raffle was the highlight- so many prizes!!

IAttendees: Mary Harris, Michael Carpenter, Pless Dickerson, Ann Sela, Camille Lupa, Consuelo Champlin, Rosanne Carroll, Anne Hurst-Smith, Fred Brennummer, Rosanne Keirns, Dorie Cuilla, Marge Parente, Carol Gardiner, Diane Watson, Yvonne Cunningham, Pat McCormack, Kathleen O'Shea, Lias Tintle, Janet DiPietro, Grace Bryant, Guests: Donna Milgrom, Natalie Schwartz, Marty Torrey

Dec 8, 2021: Return of our Holiday Luncheon at the Westbury Manor! 29 people were able to attend and $400 was raised for our annual scholarship award. No photos BUT, a great time was had by all!:)
Pics below are from the 2019 holiday luncheon at Westbury Manor.

2019 Holiday Luncheon!

Westbury Manor

Great Food!